Post 5: my future work

 Hello everyone, I am currently studying Public Administration at the University of Chile and I chose it because it has to do with the public system; with all its administrative scheme. On the other hand, it is quite related to politics and its contemporary debates, also as an extra fact the labor field of this is quite broad and you can get a job in different areas that have to do with the public, for these reasons I chose this branch.

From there, to me the truth considering my work areas in my branch I would really like to be part of some ministerial administrative body carrying out projects for the community from an office, in which if I am given the opportunity to travel for work obviously I would take it, otherwise it would have no relevance, since I would like to do this particularly for relaxation or distraction.

As for the salary, it averages about $810,000 the minute you are licensed in the career, and by the fifth year of experience this salary can reach up to $1,230,000.

Finally, as an annex I will add that today I work in a minimarket in my schedules outside of classes, for a year now, besides that I sell products of the brands Esika, L'bel and Cyzone.


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