Post 3: Cringe

 Well my moment of shame has come to me, I must admit that I am one of those people who do not really feel much shame, only in certain and certain situations this has happened to me and that makes me uncomfortable the truth. 

But well, the most embarrassing thing that I have lived was that once we went for a full day with my brothers, nephews and brothers-in-law for a walk, at that time I must have been about 14 years old, because the trip was long and in the middle of this I began to hurt my stomach, but those pains that you twist and hallucinate a bath, my face was no longer white I was YELLOW, PURPLE and even from the pain, we had not stopped anywhere and when they finally found a point I got off and desperately ran as if my life depended on it, to tell you that I did not even respect the line to the bathroom ajjajaja, my sisters just passed and paid the girl at the reception explaining a little to the situation, when I left everyone looked at me and gave me a horrible shame.


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